- What's an auction?
It's a public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids (= offers of money) for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most.
- What's a Vocabulary&Grammar Auction?

1) Preparation
a.Worksheet with about 20 questions about the topics learnt.
b. British pound banknotes [I printed them from Google Images] (£6000 each pair or group)
2) Procedure
a. Put students in pairs or in small groups (3-4)
b. Give them the same amount of banknotes and tell them they can bid up to £300 for each question.
c. Give students the worksheet and tell them they are going to answer 20 questions about the topics learnt. Time: 20 minutes.
d. Read the first question and students start bidding. When the bidding starts to fizzle out say, "Going once, going twice, sold!".
e. Get the money the pairs or groups bid.
f. One member of the highest bidder pair or group comes to board. If their answer is correct they will win the money the bid otherwise another pair or group have the chance to answer and get the banknotes.
g. Go through the 20 questions. The team with the highest number of banknotes will win the game.
3) Advantages
I think this game has two main advantages for students:
1. Peer teaching/correction - during the first 20 minutes students can share their opinions and doubts.
2. A remedy for shyness - if students are unable to answer or are insecure about a question they will just bid less or won't bid at all. In this way they won't get embarrassed in front of the others if they do not know how to answer a question.
If you play this game with your students, please let me know your impressions!